Click the links to download:
Policy ACAA: Sexual Harassment Policy
Policy ACAA-R: Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
Sexual Harassment Complaint form
Training materials for coordinator, investigators, decision makers and informal resolution facilitators includes information that may be accessed through KSB Law through the following links:
Password: bluedragons12
Title IX:
The Garretson School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that it operates, including admission and employment. The District is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated through the US Department of Education not to discriminate in such a manner. Inquiries about the application of Title IX to the District may be referred to the District's Title IX coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.
The Board designates the following individual to serve as the District's Title IX Coordinator:
Kevin Steckler, Title IX Coordinator
PO Box C, Garretson, SD 57030
(605) 594-3451
The Title IX coordinator, investigators, Decision-Makers and those who may facilitate the informal mediation process have received training on the definition of sexual harassment, the scope of the district's education program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals and informal resolution processes, and how to serve impartially including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest and bias.
The following individuals have completed Title IX training. Training Materials can be found in the link at the left.
Kevin Steckler - March 24, 2021 at McCook Central High School
Guy Johnson, appeal decision maker - March 2, 2021 at Dell Rapids High School
Katie Hoekman, investigator, decision maker - September 6, 2022 at Tri-Valley High School
Chris McGregor, investigator, decision maker - September 6, 2022 at Tri-Valley High School
Gerry Kaufman, attorney, investigator and informal resolution mediator
Tyler Coverdale, attorney, decision maker
The Garretson School District #49-4 does not discriminate in its employment policies and practices, or in its educational programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestry. Inquiries concerning the application of Title VI, Title IX or section 504 may be referred to:
Superintendent of Garretson School District
PO Box C, 505 2nd St.
Garretson, SD 57030
Phone #: 605.594.3451
Office for Civil Rights
US Department of Education
8930 Ward Pkwy, Suite 2037
Kansas City, MO 64114-3302
Phone #: 816.268.0550
All students of the district will have equal educational opportunities. The Board will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, handicap, economic status, national origin, or ancestry in its policies or programs. To accomplish this policy of nondiscrimination, the Board will make every effort to provide all students equal access with respect to admission or membership in school-sponsored organizations, clubs, or activities; access to facilities; distribution of funds; academic evaluations; or any other aspect of school-sponsored programs or activities. The Board recognizes that children vary widely in capabilities, interests, and social and economic background and that no two children can be treated exactly alike if the fullest development of each is to be achieved.
The District shall maintain a program of affirmative action that will assure the provision of equal employment opportunities to people regardless of race, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sex, or physical handicaps. This program shall be in accordance with Title IX of the 1972 Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all other relevant State and Federal executive orders and statutes. The affirmative action program shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment.